COVID-19 Update

Volunteer/donated IT help: COVID-19 M-page & Risk Stratification

Although we are not on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, Clinical Healthcare Analytics is committed to supporting our clients in a meaningful way during this crisis. We are making a very helpful COVID-19 Protocol available at no cost to hospitals, labs and clinics battling the pandemic.

Working within Cerner-based EHRs, our Pulmonary Deterioration Protocol 
is comprised of two elements:

CHA’s Healthcare Heads Up Display (HHUD) — a single-page patient-level view that quickly displays and analyzes key pulmonary metrics including patient age, comorbidities, recent vital signs and lab results (including COVID19 test) along with SOFA and Apache II scores.


CHA Real-time Aid in Detecting at Risk (RADAR) — a population patient list and risk stratification tool for ranking patients who may be starting to decompensate. With one click of CHA RADAR, doctors, nurses and case managers can see all patients with COVID-19 test orders or respiratory issues throughout their entire organization.


CHA is waiving the costs of CHA Pulmonary Deterioration Protocol license and installation during this pandemic.

If would like to have the CHA Pulmonary Deterioration Protocol installed at your organization please contact us directly.

Andy Splitz, President and CEO
(617) 816-1889

Dr. Michael Augustyniak, CMIO
(774) 222-1614

P.S. — If your healthcare IT organization is in crisis—of any kind—please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to doing all we can to help our colleagues successfully weather these trying times and look forward to emerging as a closer, cooperative profession after this pandemic passes.

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The CHA Foundation Suite is a leap forward in leveraging the EMR to perform real-time analysis at point-of-care and in practical case management. Schedule a time to see what it can do for you:
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